My latest flickr photos

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Finally, my iPhone

Yesterday, my boyfriend Jelle and I finally picked up our new iPhone 3G, after a very long wait (we waited that the first hype vanished and we received a mail from t-mobile telling us normal availability of the gadget in their stores). Since we were already t-mobile customers the change of subscription was a breeze, the people in the t-mobile shop were very friendly, it all went without problems and our new iPhones are already activated (and quiet, my fans, my mobile number hasn't changed). There was not much homework to be done in iTunes to prepare for the big day so I am up and running right away.

I am happy with the new phone (I chose the black one, 16GB version): everything works (almost) perfectly and all those things (like internet on the go, GPS) are absolutely fascinating to me, especially since it's in such a small and most elegant device. During the next days, I will test which modes I will use as standard to optimize battery usage. Oh yeah, I tried and it even can make calls and send SMS... so fascinating....... hahaha
One thing I am struggling with is the synchronization with my address book on my iMac. The phone and the iMac have exchanged data but the content on the phone definitely differs from that on the iMac and I haven't figured out yet why there is a difference. I already experienced this with my iPod touch before but didn't look into that too much yet.

As for third party applications I started to add apps for facebook, flickr and the Apple remote. I have managed to add ringtones without paying for them. I have to inquire with my lilbro though to see how he does that 'cause I'm new to the whole "assign ringtone to specific callers" thing... ;-) I also added google talk and reader and an app for AIM. Though I would prefer a one-in-all app like Adium that I use on my iMac (I know there is one but that has some disadvantages...)

I am not going into details of the prices but I can say that we both took the most popular subscription plan which gives unlimited internet access within Holland, free access to all t-mobile hotspots in Holland, includes 150 minutes of calling and 150 SMS for about 30 Euros. On top of that, you pay the price for the iPhone like announced months ago by Steve... ;-) It may be a lot to some but I love it, I like being able to access internet when and where I want and am willing to pay the premium for it. Interestingly in the shop yesterday, one after the other bought the iPhone, it's like there are no other phones... funny.

My baby, the great Jelle, also already has his iPhone (though he has a white one) and we are now iPhoneconectados. I think he was looking forward to yesterday to finally go get it at the shop.

For my part (and that of Jelle) today we are happier than Marco after finding his mother (hell, I have no idea what this is about but for the sake of parody I had to include this into my post - after all, I join Finnegan in a parody of my beloved lilbro's post).  :-D

Thursday, August 21, 2008

A tragedy.

Spanair Business class
Originally uploaded by CruisAir
Yesterday, unfortunately a flight of Spanair crashed during take off from Madrid's Barajas airport killing more than 150 people on board.
I would like to extend my deep felt condolences to the families of the victims.

My dearest Dani tried to call me to inform me about it but I was asleep after an early shift at work and did not hear him. But when I heard about the tragic news when Jelle called me from work to inform me it made me very sad. As some of you might know I work for a partner airline of Spanair and I must honestly say that it feels weird, so close suddenly. The older I get the more such tragic events touch me. Aviation is one of my hobbies and I am always interested in airlines and aircraft but this is sadly one of the very dark sides of this hobby, to deal with death and destruction, loss and grief. Even though for me it's only distant as an interested observer. But in this case it comes a little closer, for several reasons: I have flown a Spanair MD aircraft recently (it was a different version of the crashed aircraft) and the airline and the aircraft took me safely to my destiny: Madrid Barajas. I go to Madrid quite often lately to see my very dearest of all friends and naturally I am more alert in any sense of the word of all things that happen in Madrid. It interests me more, it touches me deeper, it affects me more. I am sometimes even frightened something terrible might happen to the ones I love there and I might not know about it, might not be able to do something about it. I pray it never will.
I did feel comfortable and safe though on the Spanair flight and I would fly them again, any time soon. Though I understand that some media are now speculating about possible maintenance issues due to job cuts to reduce costs at Spanair. That's purely speculating at this point and we will have to wait for the final report to see what crashed the plane.

I will think of the victims' souls this night, passengers' as well as those of my colleagues (even though not colleagues directly but like me they were airliners) who lost their lives and the souls of those who are left behind without their loved ones. It is impossible to understand the pain they must feel now but I will think of all of them tonight - I cannot change a bit but I want to express my sorrow. That's why I felt I had to write a few words about this tragedy.

Monday, August 18, 2008

What's in a name?

Xavi of El diari del Xavi asked an interesting question: why or how did you choose your username? Here's the explanation for my choice:

I looked for a username that in any case should not contain a number, like 'Guido1967' or something like that, I hate those... Combinations with my name were mostly already taken or not nice and so I started looking into something independent from my real name/initials.
First of all, I like cruising... to go on a cruise ship that is... hence the "cruis" part of the username. The "air" part comes from my affection for all stuff airlines and the combination of both words sounds like "cruiser" which on one hand is what you are when you cruise and on the other hand has that ambiguous meaning to it... funny enough, I'm not a "cruiser" at all in the 'gay' sense of the word... hahaha
So, how did you choose your name and why?

Thursday, August 14, 2008


For those of you who actually come on my blog site directly to read it will notice there is some content missing on the sidebar. I was trying to change the look of my blog and that resulted in the loss of the content. I am currently trying to fix and repair it but that will take some time.

Sorry for the somewhat "unfinished" look. ;-)
For all reader users there should be no change or problem.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Happiness in my hand.

Rose in hand
Originally uploaded by CruisAir
I had bought a little bouquet of roses for Jelle the other day. Just like that and because I hadn't done so in a long time. I think he was happy about it and that again made me happy, too! :-D

Today, this rose lost the head and i put it in water. I love the wonderful red color. I think it looks so wonderful and it perfectly symbolizes beauty to me. It made me happy to look at it. Then, I thought of you. This rose is for you. Just a little symbolic gesture from the distance to you to say "Don't worry" and to remind you that your love will overcome everything in the end. It's my photographic "comfort hug" to you. Many kisses, lilbro.

Thinking about this, I can say that happiness truly lies in my hands, always.

Monday, August 11, 2008

My shadow
Originally uploaded by CruisAir

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Shocking: Dani a real frequent traveller!

After some intense and hard investigative research our news desk was finally able to confirm the shocking news that famous spanish blogger 'danoliverm' is indeed bearer of an Osooro platinum frequent traveller card! Probably in anticipation of our revealing news story today he posted a thread yesterday where he tries to play down his frequent travels which amount to numerous flights around the world this year alone. But hard facts - as can be seen in our photo - proof that he even is bearer of this Golden Bear card, which gives numerous privileges to the distinguished frequent bear traveller (as the card claims it is "...making frequent travelling bearable..."). Only far travelled and experienced bears are able to apply for this card and bearishness has to be proven to the card issuing organization! As can be seen in the photo we were able to get hold of his card for a few moments to make this shocking and revealing photo!
Interestingly, bearers of this card are entitled to a free subscription of Bear magazine, a free dvd of the movie "Cachorro", one free Coca-Cola Zero at participating bear bars around the world, unlimited free bear hugs from hot bears, 25 percent discount on bear toys from Amantis in Calle de Pelayo in Madrid, one hot tongue kiss per month from a bear of choice (12 per year, 1 extra as special limited offer) and many more exclusive offers to the bearer.
With awe I greet you, oh Dani you ruler, I send you an appreciative but shy kiss, a sheepish hug. :-)
P.S.: This post refers to Dani's post yesterday and is simply making fun of him. :-)
P.P.S.: Yeah, nuttybro' says: estoy loco! :-)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Face in the crowd

Okay, this morning I discovered on iTunes this year's Symphonica in Rosso's anthem, a duet sung by Lionel Ritchie and Trijntje Oosterhuis, one of my most favorite female singers! I love the song and there is no real video yet as the concert is only in September but for the time being here's the song so you can at least listen to it. It's composed by John Ewbank and I'm pretty sure it's going to be a hit in Holland. I simply fall for this kind of music... ;-)