How...very saucy...
At the moment, Jelle and I are catching up with watching "Desperate Housewives". I've missed too many episodes when they first aired so now that they are on our cable on demand services we watch them from the very beginning to the end. The other day we really had a very very good laugh about Bree (what gay man wouldn't love her?) in one of the early episodes of season 3. Bree is looking for her son Andrew (who she had dumped) and meets Pearly... here is the video that includes the scene in the very beginning:
"Pearly Gates, you can't get to heaven without going through me..." and Bree responds: "...How...very saucy..."
Muuuaaaahhhh.... ROFL... this is soooo funny, we really got a kick out of it... soooo sooo funny, really! I hope you liked that, at the moment we are both really addicted to "Desperate Housewives", I also started watching Grey's anatomy (again, well just like "DH" from the beginning) but I put that on hold due to lack of time. On the "waiting list" is "Prison Break" now and "Heroes" and "Brothers & Sisters"... I think I know someone from whom I can borrow the DVDs for the first two waitlisters as they are not on our cable yet... ;-) Uhm, Dani, are you finished watching them...? :-#
Have fun, hugs to you all.
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