Thank you.
First of all let me apologize to you that it has been quite a while now since my last post. But for me the christmas period was kind of busy and I also did not always feel like posting something. You all probably know the feeling that there is something to say but you don't know really how and in that case I rather prefer not to say anything than something stupid. I asked my lilbro for some tips on how he always manages to write something, with the precision of a swiss clock. So I will try to use those tips in the future.
However, I would like to thank my beloved lilbro for something beautiful he did to me. I feel very honoured and at the same time even a bit ashamed as I feel I did not deserve it: he awarded me the "I love your blog" prize! Thank you so much Dani, it means a lot to me. But let me assure you that I don't think I deserve it but I appreciate what you express with it to me. That truly made me happy, so thank you once again. I felt very insecure and - as I said - a bit ashamed and actually did not really know how to react, whether to ignore it post wise or comment on it. In the end, as you now can read here, I decided to express my appreciation publically. I usually don't like these chain-things and I still don't really know how to react and what to do with it, what the appropriate way to react would be. So, all I can say is thank you very much I guess. I know and understand why you gave this prize to me, Dani, and that truly makes me happy and very proud and thankful.
A very tender kiss, my lilbro, for being the way you are and doing what you do to me.
Congratulations to all other awarded winners who truly deserved their prizes, I am happy for you. Hugs to you all.
P.S.: I hope to soon post more often again. In the meantime, why don't you check my flickr pages where I post regularly about me and my life in pictures?
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