Thinking again about my last post and having spoken to Dani I decided to remove it. But not because he said so but because I think it's the right thing to do. The post was like making a big fuss about nothing. It's not worth bothering anybody with it. So simply consider it not written.
My beloved bigbro:
I have to apologize, because when I stoppedn talking to you this afternoon, my boss entered and I got very busy, so by the time I could keep up with our chat, you had already left.
Reading this, I feel very sad about how you might have misunderstood my words. And, on the other hand, I feel very proud to see that you're just as noble and righteous as I've always thought you are.
But I have something to say about your removal, and it's a very own experience. I've had a blog for over 3 years and, sometimes, like what happened the other day with my uncle (you know how had I felt about it), I've felt the obligation to remove or edit my posts every once in a while. Well, after several times (quite a lot, to be honest) I've learned that I don't EVER have to back up my feelings. Isn't that why we actually have a blog?. Sometimes we don't find the right way to express our feelings, and our words always tend to be misunderstood. But that's also the funny part of all this: you learn more from this kind of mistakes (if you can actually call them that) than in real life. And you can even use them as an advantage for yourself: write a second part, reconsider your words, and a lot of stuff. But if you delete the words, you're deleting the feeling. And I'm really sure you had very good reasons to write what you wrote. And I already told you: I admire you for being so honest, so polite and so open widely in public.
All that happened today in this blog only proves one thing: you're a great, tender, human and admirable being. But we'll have enough time this weekend to speak about it by the shore at sunset, don't you think?.
Kisses and hugs from lilbro, and his hubby Sera.
Dear beloved lilbro,
first of all let me thank you a million times for your words! Second, there's no reason for you to apologize at all! I knew you were at work and I figured you could not answer and that's no problem at all!
Please don't feel sad because I think I have not misunderstood anything. In contrary, I felt sad afterwards because I felt guilty that my post had caused concern with you though that wasn't really my intention. After all, I did not feel bad and I still don't do. It was just something that was on my mind as I told you. But I felt guilty because you again felt responsible to deal with your bigbro, in between your work when there's not really time for that. I regret to cause that, dear lilbro.
It's very interesting to read your thoughts about removing posts or not. I was very much in doubt about it and actually I felt it would be like censuring myself. And I am strictly against censorship. On the other hand it was a post that required more thoughts and more careful writing in order to articulate my feelings more correctly. Had I done that beforehand I wouldn't have had to remove it. So as you suggest I will rewrite it which indeed gives me a good chance of putting it right this time. By deleting the post by the way it did not feel like deleting my feelings. It's just postponing their articulation to a later date when I found the right words. Actually, after we spoke, I have to write a whole new post about this as much has changed or opened my eyes more. I realized things more clearly that I haven't really mentioned in the post before.
Thank you Dani so much for caring so much for your bigbro. It's your words that made me think, made me understand, opened my eyes - once again... You've done it so many times already and I'm glad and most thankful you do it again and again... what would I be without you, lilbro?!
Yes, we will talk about it this weekend. At the shore at sunset. We'll have all the time in the world then, we two bro's. I look forward to you Dani.
I cover you and Sera with lots and lots of kisses and hugs ;-) Thanks again you two for all and everything.
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