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Saturday, March 1, 2008

Dutch Idols 2008 winner: Nikki!

Tonight, the winner of the dutch Idols 2008 was chosen: Nikki!

To be honest, I did not follow most of the shows, saw only very few of them especially in the beginning. I thought the quality of this season of Idols to be very low. But I must say that I like the winner of this year. I think she truly deserves to win the contest, she is beautiful, she can sing and dance and she is "the girl next door" that you want to win such a competition! ;-)

Let's see how the newly written song that she presented during the final show tonight will help her start a career as a professional singer and become a hit in Holland. It's called "Hello world" - here I am ;-) Now that I listened a few times to the song I start to like it.