Vegan streaker at Paul de Leeuw's popular show!
Ok, let me explain for those readers not familiar with Holland in general and dutch television in particular: Paul de Leeuw is one of the most popular tv hosts on dutch television at the moment and he is openly gay. He has a weekly, extremely popular live show on tv and this time something typical for Holland and especially him happened: a "vegan streaker" (someone running naked, in this case to fight for a vegan society...) appeared unexpected on the show! Paul, obviously
surprised, did what is typical for him... he took advantage of the situation! While he first continued to talk to a little girl on the phone to surprise her with something the "streaker" had to wait in the background which he did, obviously happy to receive "free" airtime. After finishing his "topic" with the girl on the phone that even included bringing up a dutch singer to the stage (while the streaker was still waiting) he then attended to the streaker. So he took him and let him sit on his lap... of course, where else... and pretended to start a nice, innocent chat... and then... but for that, you have to watch the video!
I love Paul de Leeuw! He is so hilarious, it was the right thing to do with the guy and the audience obviously loved it!!! Great tv, really! I think it's also typical for Holland. I wonder if any reader here can imagine this to happen on his/her national television? ;-)
P.S.: Don't worry, I won't be posting "only" youtube videos here. I noticed the recent "flood" I posted myself. It's a coincidence. There'll be "normal" posts again. I promise ;-)
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