My latest flickr photos

Friday, May 30, 2008


Originally uploaded by CruisAir
Man, am I busy these days... but I love it! Yesterday was Jelle's 41st birthday and we went to a concert of Gilbert Osullivan at Carre, the famous Royal Theatre in Amsterdam. It was a great concert I must say. I actually did not know many of his songs but I liked most of them. Jelle knows and likes quite a few of them and he had treated himself and me to the concert. Gilbert performed very good, he was funny and what I especially liked about it was the fact that it was a very basic show, no technical stuff and perfection - but music played live by a band, even with real string players. A small, but good band and the total impression of their quality was very good. As I said, I liked that he wasn't perfect, for example he started a song then stopped because he had pushed the wrong button on his synthesizer and started again. I prefer this than those "perfect" but somehow "clinical" shows by mega stars.
My busy week continues today as my lilbro is coming to visit me and Jelle together with his hubby Sera! I am so looking forward to see Dani and Sera again (as if it was that long ago...) but I simply miss that great man and his boy and am glad he'll come today. I wish there would be someone who invented a StarTrek-like Beamer for us... so I can simply beam me down to Madrid for a coffee with Dani and beam him up to Amsterdam for a cup of peppermint tea ;-) Tomorrow all four of us will go to Carre to see a concert of Trijntje Oosterhuis. I am very curious to see how Dani and Sera will like this great dutch singer perform live and how they will like Carre. Unfortunately, my boys already leave again on sunday... But at least we have all weekend long to spend together and have fun and I hope to be able to spoil my little brother at least a little bit... ;-)

I hope to be able to tell a few more things next week when I have more time. Today I will sooo busy at home to add the "final touches" of tidying and cleaning (not that I am in a Bree mood, let alone have the abilities of Bree nor those of my lilbro but at least I try...haha) and we also need to do some shopping so we have nice fresh things in the fridge 'cause of course as I said I like to spoil my lilbro and his man! Especially Sera likes to taste different things and of course I want to be prepared for that, too. :-)

Now my biggest challenge for today will be to not fall asleep tonight before I can pick them up from the airport... hahaha