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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Truly blessed.

I am truly blessed. Because I have a friend who is the best mate in the world. He is really someone truly special. He is not near me. He lives far away. But yet, he is always there for me when I need him. He never let me down. He always encourages me. He is patient with me when I am down again and lifts me up when I stumble upon the same old stuff... He is smart and wise. He senses when he needs to be there. He knows the right words to say at the right time. He is reliable, he is loveable, he is funny and he is always busy.

Our friendship constantly develops. It does so sometimes faster than I can adapt... Our lives constantly change and these changes have influence on our friendship. But if I really think about it, all changes are positive. Our friendship becomes closer by the day. I start to understand him better and better. I treasure every bit of it.
But then there's me. I am stupid. Because I constantly want confirmations of that friendship, because I am jealous of "the other" guy (and I'm not speaking of his boyfriend!) whom I see as a "competitor", now can you imagine how stupid THAT is? I should know better first of all and second I should know him by now. It's not about me or us but about real true friendship, that's not measured in the amounts of chats or length of talks but always in the love, care and the respect friends have for each other.

You, my friend, deserve all the happiness in the world. I was really shocked when you told me about this other friend of yours who was so cruel to you, accusing you of really nasty things, who hurt you. I don't understand him, even though he might going through hard times. See, even though he hurt you, you still defend him, one of your beautiful characteristics. But it's you who deserves understanding, it's you who deserves to be happy. And luckily you are happy, you are in love. What better can there be in this world than being happy in love?! Because of that as I have said here before, you change and shift your attention and time to him, your boyfriend. Being a true friend I understand that, I have done the same. We - your friends - want to see you happy and therefore have to take a step back into the second line. But that does not mean you don't care for us anymore. We know that. But it's so easy to forget and we are selfish and think of us as playing the lead role. But life has changed that, we now have the role of supporting actor. But we will excel in it, just watch us!

I loved our long chats and talks, I could tell you things about me and you would listen and give advice. And the other way around. Nothing has changed about that, we could still do that. We would even understand and know each other more and better. It's just that we don't do it anymore. And I understand why, as I said above. It's not bad at all, it's just that I miss it. I don't have anybody else for that. Also that is alright. It's simply the way it is. But because it was something so beautiful I simply miss it, but again, I do understand the reason. The positive thing about it is that I have the beautiful memory of it. As you said, our friendship evolved to another stage. You told me and did that with the most wonderful words as only you could say them. Thanks so much for that. It means a lot to me. I knew, I do understand, I will remember. Note to myself: read here next time...

I am truly blessed. Because I have a friend who is just like my little brother. He truly IS my lilbro. Except for my beloved boyfriend, he is the best man in the world. Never ever before have I experienced such an intense feeling of friendship to someone. I will never let him down, I will always be there for him. He can call me anytime, day or night and I will come to him to be there if he needs a friend, where ever he may be. I will always be in the background, when he wants me there. I will always respect him, I will always treat him with dignity. I will never hurt him. I will give my last shirt for him. All of that, because I love him as a friend, as a brother just as he loves me. All of that, because he is my best friend. All of that, because he's my lilbro. All of that, because he's the way he is, because he is Dani.