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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Maybe I'm not that bad...

Okay, here is my follow up to yesterday's post about myself: maybe I'm not that bad, after all... But hey, I was really overwhelmed at that moment and just couldn't handle all those emotions at the same time. So I felt very bad and useless. I know I'm not. I try to be a god son to my parents. But not calling them at the time they want does not make me a bad son, does it? ;-) I live my own life, I have my very own little problems and not sharing all of them with my parents again does not make me a bad son, or does it? ;-)
I decided not to share all things that bother me with them because it won't help me and doesn't make them happier. That doesn't mean I don't trust them or I exclude them from my life, it's just that I decided to live my own life and share only the things that they truly need to know.
I can still be a good son even if I only call after three weeks. I am interested in what happens to them. But I have my problems and have to deal with them as well, besides I am working full time. Yet, I want to live my life the way I want it - and I will do just that. But I will try in future to be a bit more considerate.  I also want to be more in touch with them as I feel I now still have the chance before it's too late and I am without them. That is something I try to avoid thinking of as it makes me deeply sad. I do love my parents, from the bottom of my heart. So, maybe I'm not that bad...