My program as a click
I came across this intro to my favorite tv program of my childhood: Robbi, Tobbi und das Fliewatüüt! It's a german tv series, originally in four episodes, later re-edited and cut into 11 episodes and the film, uhm pardon me, the 'MAZ' (the german short for 'Magnetaufzeichung' which is 'video tape recording', very modern in 1972) was made by the inventor of the immensely popular tv program "Die Sendung mit der Maus" ("The program with the mouse"). It's based on a book published in 1967 (my year of birth) and it's about a little boy (Tobbi) from third grade at school who has invented a craft that can fly ("Flie" from "Fliegen" = to fly), swim ("Wa" from "Wasser" = water) and drive like a car ("Tüüt" is the sound car signals in Germany make) and who has a robot friend (Robbi). Robbi needs to pass an exam at his robot school and to help him Tobbi and Robbi go on some adventures to find answers to the exam questions. That's basically the story behind the series. If you look at it now it looks so outdated but to me looking at it, it has a lot of charme and I do have a lot of fond memories. I really love the series. Here's the very typical, 70's sound, theme song that was well known in Germany at the time.
There are a few more videos on youtube that show some excerpts from the actual series but of course that's in german only, but maybe if you're interested just click through and enjoy.
In any case I wanted to share this with you to show you a bit more about myself, so you get a little more insight in who "your's truly" is. I hope you liked it.
Here's hug of click.
P.S.: You can even find some childhood photos of me here, in case you care.
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