My latest flickr photos

Friday, May 21, 2010 never happens to me.

Picture this: you're sitting in the train, on your way to work, a 20 minute ride. Then, across you on the other side of the aisle, a young punk-ish twenty-ish guy takes a seat. The guy is somehow interesting to look at because of his style. While looking you finally realize that the guy has one hand in his trousers - yes, in his crotch! You start wondering if he suffers from lice or maybe is just re-arranging the "contents"... and while keeping watching you confirm to yourself that indeed he has a hard-on hidden in his trousers! And yes, he is playing with himself, while you keep watching! Of course, you decide not to look any other way but keep looking! And he keeps playing... and there's your stop, you exit the train to go to work.

Well, this did not happen to me but to a good friend. Such things never happen to me. I wonder how I would react if it'd ever happen. Maybe it's how I appear towards others that this would (n)ever happen to me. And I don't even know whether it's something I should be sad about missing...? I guess to experience the "excitement" and being "attractive" to someone else (even for such a purpose as simply being an audience) is cool since it's out of the ordinary (somehow)? How about you, have you had such experiences? How did you like it, how did you react?


Unknown said...

Well, it DID happen to me once, and I believe I explained to you what I did... but if you can't recall, just gimme a call ;)

CruisAir said...

I do remember, you indeed told me.

joven said...
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H said...

lol. it has happened to me, i felt awkward.

Toni Tralala said...

This is such an interesting entry. I've encountered a similar situation before. You have no idea how much my mind wanders. It's so awkward that it makes the ride seem a thousand times longer than it really is.

FIFA 15 Coins said...
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