Good mood.
I do feel good. Have I told you lately? I feel much better than weeks ago. I am getting to know new people and it's fascinating to make new friendships! I have met Timo lately who was "brave" enough to contact me on facebook. I really very much enjoy his friendship. Like me, he is interested in aviation and he has a passion for Eurovision, besides other things. We do see each other in Amsterdam as he also lives here. I enjoy it a lot and we always have lots of stuff to talk about.
I feel I am busy recently and that feels very good. I can tell it's something I've missed for a long time. Seeing friends, talking, laughing together. Go to a movie, listen to and share music, have dinner together, all that stuff. It's great! It's even the reason I spent less time writing on my blog. Isn't that great? ;-) On the other hand, the downside is that Jelle really feels overwhelmed by it. Every "free" second to him it seems, is planned with activity. He still prefers much more privacy. But for me it feels good so I have to do it. We simply have to find a way that fits both. But I think I'm going the right direction.
Then, my little brother Dani also came back from his vacation and I spoke to him yesterday. I was very relieved he returned home safely and I was most happy to see him again (by video chat) and talk to him. I simply missed the great guy. He had a great vacation in Italy and I can't wait to see his photos and hear more stories and read about it. And best of all: he is so in love and happy with his Sera! It fills my heart with great joy to know that my beloved lilbro is so happy because he really deserves it to be!
I also listen to music at the moment and also that makes me happy, have a look at my page. Looking at my and my flickr contacts' photos makes me happy. To be part of other people's lives that way is fascinating and I like it very much, especially if the contact to those friends develops to a more than virtual friendship. But only time will tell when and with whom it will happen. But I am happy as I know it does happen. I have found my best friend and little brother that way, I have met Timo and Jörg who are both wonderful people. And I know there will be others, sooner or later. Only knowing this makes me happy already.
I hope this explains a little why I am in a good mood. And now I have to stop talking as I have to get ready and do some little things before Timo comes along for a visit. :-D
Love and hugs to all my friends,
P.S. Please bear with me if I don't comment on photos or blogs lately... but suddenly I am so busy. ;-) But be sure I read and see everything! And I will comment, even though it might be a bit later, that's a promise.
If happiness and good mood means no more blogging, then I am happy my bigbro has nothing to tell or speak of :)
I truly wish it would be like that dear lilbro! But I am afraid it ain't like that for me...
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