Exclusive: Making a cheesecake with Dani
I proudly present to you the exclusive photo report of the "Making of" of Dani's famous Philadelphia Creme cheesecake!
On a recent visit to the Master of Cheesecakes himself, Dani-chan treated us to a very exclusive insight view of the making of his famous cheese cake. I can assure you that the cake was as delicious as it looks on the photos! Try it out yourself. Of course there's nothing above the real original one but only few lucky ones get to taste him, er... it.
After the cake has been put into the fridge for hours (look at the recipe for the recommend time) you simply turn the cold and stiff cake with the form upside down - but don't forget to put a plate under it so you can place the cake on it... ;-)
Let's start with the recipe, here's all the ingredients you will need to prepare it.
Also, this photo shows already the first step, the crunched cookies in the form that is used to make the cake.
Follow the recipe along and have a look at Dani's expert moves.
Again, if you don't know exactly how to crunch those cookies, here Dani shows you en detail. Let your imagination inspire you in the crunching process... ;-)
The cheese and other ingredients as per recipe (of course, mind the pronounciation...) have to be mixed and heated up.
Dani demonstrates how simple and easy this can be accomplished.
Some special powder thingie (hey, have a look at the recipe yourself, why do I need to do all the work?) needs to be mixed with milk and stirred perfectly before it can be added to the warming up cheese.
Make sure you mix all the stuff real good, don't leave the oven and prevent the milk/cheese mix to get burned!
As you can see, it is really easy if you follow the expert's tips!
If all is heated up well, stirred perfectly together you can then poor the fluid milk/cheese mix into the prepared form.
Mind you, what you see here is a variation of the original recipe. Don't get surprised that the crunched cookies will float up -
later you will see it won't be a problem for the finished cake, in contrast - it's the desired effect (well, hey, what do you think, here are the experts talking and cooking and showing!).
Now, another creative part in the process of making the cheese cake starts: you have to decorate it! Again, use all your imagination. Our expert chef suggests - as you can see - a strawberry flavour element which gives the cake a wonderful red color. Other known variations (tried by your's truly himself) are a yellow jam, like peach or orange or such. That all depends on your personal taste. But that's the fun part, you can use whatever you fancy, isn't that great?! After it, you put some sliced almonds (or nuts, hey there's the creative variation again...) on top to finish the decorating process.
Guess what? You're done.
Put the Nespresso on, have a seat and enjoy!
Tadaaa! Our proud Dani, the cheese cake expert, with the final result!
Let me tell you, it was as fantastically delicious as it looks.
For cheese making courses please contact the chef himself, new trainings start each month and training classes are kept small in order to assure very personal attention to every participant! Apply immediately, I can only highly recommend his trainings - they are fun, excellent and delicious, what else do you want?
A cheesy hug to you all. :-P
I ought to provide the english recipe...
Yes please Dani, it would be nice if you have an english translation, maybe you can publish it as a follow up on your blog...? ;-)
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