My latest flickr photos

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Can this be? Another post within such short time after posting the previous one with the exact opposite topic? Yes, it can be possible. Because I feel happy, too.

I enjoy what I have. I enjoy what I receive. I feel tenderness. I feel comfort. I feel like falling backwards and knowing I will be caught. It's a precious feeling, I treasure it. 


Unknown said...

That is the kind of thought that must fill you, dear!!

CruisAir said...

I know Dani. But you know it feels like walking on a mountain's ridge: the path of happiness is so narrow that I always fear of falling down the ridge one way or the other... so it's a constant act of balancing to stay on top and I not always manage. But I now know it's not a shame to not always stay on top and if I have stumbled I simply need to crawl up again. And - most importantly - I know there's someone to catch me if I fall and that experience is new to me.

Thanks so much my beloved lilbro, a tender hug for you ;-)