Can this be? Another post within such short time after posting the previous one with the exact opposite topic? Yes, it can be possible. Because I feel happy, too.
I enjoy what I have. I enjoy what I receive. I feel tenderness. I feel comfort. I feel like falling backwards and knowing I will be caught. It's a precious feeling, I treasure it.
That is the kind of thought that must fill you, dear!!
I know Dani. But you know it feels like walking on a mountain's ridge: the path of happiness is so narrow that I always fear of falling down the ridge one way or the other... so it's a constant act of balancing to stay on top and I not always manage. But I now know it's not a shame to not always stay on top and if I have stumbled I simply need to crawl up again. And - most importantly - I know there's someone to catch me if I fall and that experience is new to me.
Thanks so much my beloved lilbro, a tender hug for you ;-)
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